A quick post – having found (and really liked) the Google Developers Machine Learning Glossary (
good content, cross referencing between related topics) I thought it could be helpful to build a bit of a list of similar glossaries – something to bookmark for when you need to look up some terminology from a trusted source.
- Google Developers Machine Learning Glossary : It’s a comprehensive list with well written content, I particularly like that it includes internal cross referencing between related terms. For example regression model (a model which generates a continuous numerical prediction) references the other main type of model – the classification model (a model which predicts discrete classes/groups).
- Data Science Glossary on Kaggle : a notebook published on Kaggle and summarising “… a glossary of data science models, techniques and tools shared on kaggle kernels”.
- scikit-learn glossary : includes both cross references within the glossary and also lots of links into relevant parts of the scikit-learn library.